Standing in a field of grass, a sea of glass
My mind is slowly drifting
My soul entwines as hearts combine
The beauty of Your presence slowly drifting
I draw near to You my Lord as I approach Your presence
And we're drifting
Inside the secret place my heart is
Filled with wonder at Your love
The light of grace reflects Your face
As I am caught in rapture slowly drifting
I am caught away as evening folds into the night
And I am drifting
Carried on a sea of love on
Waves of Heaven from above
They capture me and I am blown away
Enraptured by the glory of Your countenance
I see Your love for me
I am caught away
Drifting on the glory of Your countenance
I see Your love for me
I am caught away
And my heart cries holy, holy,
Holy are You Lord
And my heart cries holy, holy,
Holy are You Lord
Let the rain pour down, let the sweet wind blowupon my heart.
Let the rain pour down, let the sweet wind blow upon my heart.
Let the rain pour down let it flow right down until it reaches home
Thought he cracks in the stony ground, unto the healing of my soul
Let the rain pour down, let the sweet wind blow upon my heart.
Let the rain pour down, let the sweet wind blow upon my heart.
Let the rain pour down, as the oil of gladness rushes over me
Lifting up my weary head, unto the cleansing of my soul
Let the rain pour down, let it flow right down into my soul
Let the rain pour down, let it flow right down into my soul
Like a waterfall, let it wash me clean inside it’s Holy flow
Let the rain pour down, let it take me deep into its fountain flow
Abba Father, You are holding me
Nothing stops me, You have made me free
All this will never end, All time is free
Is this a moment or eternity
It doesn’t matter since You’re here with me, let the rain pour down
Let the rain pour down, let the rain pour down
Hosanna, let the rain pour down)
When darkness surrounds you, you can’t see the light,
When you are seeking, but God is not speaking
You're lost in the night
Rather than crying it’s time for a song
To lift up your voice to make that choice
And you will never go wrong
No thought for tomorrow today’s a new day
Another day older the world's getting colder
In every way
You may be in London, New York or Japan
Wherever you’re going His love will be showing
He’ll give you his hand
Let’s sing in the sunshine let’s laugh at the moon
Smile in December and praise Him in June
I’ll shout to the heavens and if I get the chance
I’ll walk in the moonlight I’ll dance in the sun
I’ll shout my elation to everyone
I’ll stand in the darkness and do a little Moondance
Only one lifetime that soon will be passed
Only what’s done for the sake of the kingdom
Is going to last
Let’s do a little moon dance
Let’s do a little moon dance, come on, come on and dance
Let’s sing in the sunshine and laugh at the moon
Praise in December and worship in June
We’ll shout to the heavens and if we get the chance
We’ll walk in the Moonlight we’ll dance in the sun
We’ll shout our elation to everyone
We'll stand in the darkness
And do a little Moondance
Dancing in the dark to the light of the sun
No weapon formed against us shall prosper
Not even one
Walk in the light as He is in the light
It shines in the darkness
And the darkness could not overcome
May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace
As you trust in him
So that you may overflow with hope
In the power of the Holy Spirit
Blessed be the name of my rock, who trains my hands for war
Who causes me to walk in His overcoming power forevermore
Blessed be the name of my Rock,
Blessed be the name of my Shield
Blessed be the Lamb who will open the scroll
And loose the seven seals
Proclaim these words to every land, let my people prepare for war
Wake up the mighty men, let all the men become mighty men of war
Come be a people great and strong,
The like of which has never been
Pick up the sword, pick up the shield, and become mighty men
Let the weak say "I am strong," let the faint say “I am renewed"
Blow the trumpet in Zion, for I am coming soon
The day of the Lord is at hand, His camp is very great
Strong is the One who performs His Word,
And by His Word, all the Earth shall shake
My people shall become a strength, like swift steeds they will run
They will leap the mountain like a flame of fire,
Like a chariot in the sun!
The army of the Lord is great! The army of the Lord of Lords!
The praises of their mouths will be a shield
Their Words will be a sword!
All I want, all I need, is just to know
You care enough, to pray for me
There’s not a thing , that I can do
Can’t win your love, it’s not a prize, it’s mine for free
Though I know, you’re by my side
The dark is here, and it feels like I’ve got no place to hide
But I know that when, the mornings here
Joy will come, and all the dark, will disappear
Who could love you more than me, no one could it couldn’t be
Who could love me more than you, no one could I know that’s true
When all is calm, and my mind is free
I can’t conceive that actually, you’d give your life for me
When I can glimpse, the magnitude
There are no words that could express my gratitude
Who could love you more than me, no one could it couldn’t be
Who could love me more than you, no one could I know that’s true
Faithfully, so faithfully
Your mercy comes, and calms my heart, when I believe
She sits in the day room mid garlands of flowers,
Sits and she reads there for hours and hours
Sometimes she touches her old wedding ring,
She keeps by her heart on an old piece of string
She doesn’t have much to do in a day,
Her children are grown, her friends gone away
Her heart is still full though she is alone,
And something inside knows she’ll soon be at home
She thinks of the man who was the love of her life.
Her memories are clear of when she was a wife,
She thinks of the love that she shared with one man,
She has no regrets
The Bible that sits on the chair by the bed,
Has never been idle, it’s always been read
It’s been the guide, the course of her life,
Living and active, and sharp as a knife
Her constant companion as she’s run the race,
It’s seen her through every trial that she’s faced
Now that she’s come to the crossroad of life,
Her treasure’s in heaven above
She’s never seen London or traveled to France,
She wouldn’t have gone there if she’d had the chance
So happy to be where she knew she belonged,
She just danced in place
Many things in her life she did not understand,
But she always knew she was safe in his hands
Constantly fervently seeking His face
He would always hear
Once again she is a sweet blushing bride
Now that she’s passed to the other side
She’s entered the gates, she stands by His side
She’s seen his face
They came in great numbers, they all gathered round
Many who’s lives will be jewels in her crown
They stand by the casket and slowly look down
They know she’s finally home
Was that Jesus walking by the river?
Was that Jesus walking in the park?
I thought Jesus only walked in church yards
What was Jesus doing in the dark?
Was that Jesus face I saw this morning?
Amid the crowd of busy hustling feet
And then again as I came home this evening
Did I see Jesus walking down my street?
I don’t really want to know the answer
I don’t really want to face the change
Everywhere I look I’m seeing Jesus
Everywhere I look it’s all so strange
Was that Jesus standing on the corner?
With such love and compassion in His eyes
Was that Him or just an apparition?
Was that really Jesus in disguise?
Everywhere I look, I see the eyes of Jesus
Everywhere I look, I see Him beckoning to me
I turn my head away, my eyes just cannot stay
For in the eyes of Jesus, I see me
I don’t really want to know the answer
I don’t really want to face the change
Everywhere I look I’m seeing Jesus
Everywhere I look it’s all so strange
Was that Jesus listening as I prayed last night?
Was that Him who brushed my tears away?
Or was it only my imagination
Fading with the coming of the day?
No I saw Jesus smiling as I wakened
I saw Jesus beckoning to me
Come to me my frail and brokenhearted
Step into my arms and now be free
Be free
Please don’t be lonely in the winter,
When the sun no longer seems to shine
Please don’t be lonely when the darkness seems to shadow
The sun is shining all the time
Please don’t be lonely in the night time
When the sunlight seems to go away
It still is shining while the world is slowly turning
And always brings another day
Oh don’t be lonely
Oh, don’t let your heart be blue
Outside the shadow of an unbelieving heart
The sun is shining there for you
Please don’t be lonely in the winter,
When the sun no longer seems to shine
Please don’t be lonely when the darkness seems to shadow
The sun is shining all the time
There is a little curtain in the corner of my mind
I see it and I know it, and I know what lurks behind
If I get too close for comfort I know what I will see
Sticky little fingers that will take a hold of me
There’s a sneaky little curtain in the corner of my mind
If I open it to take a look I know what I will find
It’s tasty and delicious and it’s absolutely free
But it’s got some honkin, teeth and it’ll take a bite of me
And if I reach around the corner to try to take a peek
The beauty and desire of it will overpower me
And once again I’ll enter the forbidden Promised Land
And I will be a puppet in the devil’s laughing hand
I’ve been behind the curtain oh so many times before
I take the pleasure of the prize that’s right behind the door
But the pleasure is as fleeting as the taste of it is sweet
And on the other side resides the failure of defeat
If I can close the curtain in the corner of my mind
Then I can walk in freedom, I can leave the guilt behind
And walk in light and holiness all my latter days
If I could just renew my mind and change my sinful ways
There’s only one decision, the only way I will not fail
Is to trade that little curtain for a walk behind the veil
The carnal man must die, if I’m ever to be free
I’ve got to wrap him in that curtain, and hang him on the tree
It's so dark here in the dungeon
My heart pounds with fear
I fall with my face to the ground
I hear a soft whisper Jesus is here,
My soul fills with peace at the sound
My eyes adjust to a small beam of light,
From a crack which appears 'neath the door
I stand to my feet put my hand on the latch,
I have no earthly thought what's in store
The door opens up to a glorious light,
It's brilliance is piercing but sheer
It's heavy and soft and caresses my heart,
With an absolute absence of fear
I see his face in the light,
There's no darkness no night
And I know that i now understand
All of my doubts become dust in the wind,
As I feel the soft touch of His hand
His face His face, His face, His face alone
The answers to all of my questions are shown
His face, His face alone
Even death will become His minister,
When He finally calls me home
Morning time my love is awake, softly I enter the room
The fragrance of love , it floats in the air
Just like a rose when it blooms
My love is yours, your love is mine
My promise is yours for the take
How fair is your love , you have ravished my heart
I sleep but my heart is awake
How can you tell, how can you measure, the presence of love so divine
How can you speak the cost of the treasure, and then how can you say
This is mine
Open the door my sister my love, my head is covered with dew
As fair as the moon, as clear as the sun, such is my vision of you
Like apples of silver, like ribbons of gold
This is the worth of your trove
Cause me to come to your river, sit there and drink of your love
Flames of fire, waters of life, love is stronger than death
Set me now as a seal upon your heart, let me lay my heart on your breast
Morning time my love is awake, slowly I enter the room
The fragrance of love, it floats in the air
Just like a rose when it blooms
How can you tell, how can you measure, the presence of love so divine
How can you speak the cost of the treasure, and then how can you say
This is mine
Little girl lost
Little girl lost
Little girl walking by outside my window
Never had a father to hold her hand when the cold winds blow
Never had a man to wrap his arms around her
To feel the beat of her aching heart and to love her so
Never had a love strong enough to break the chains that bound her
Little girl lost
Little girl lost
Little girl walking by outside my window
My heart just breaks as I watch her walking down the avenue
The rain drops slowly washing her tears away
I watch her walking as she slowly disappears from view
There’s nothing I can say
Little girl lost
Little girl lost
Little girl walking by outside my window
All I ever wanted to do was hold you
So you can feel safe in your Father’s arms
Won’t you let My loving arms enfold you girl
I’ll never leave you I never will depart
Little girl is looking out my window
Little girl is looking out my window
Baby you don’t have to cry no more
Can’t you see that there is hope in store
Your broken heart is the open door
Love will walk in, and you won’t have to cry no more
Baby you can cry but you don’t have to cry no more.
Baby you can finally stop your tears
Love will finally conquer all your fears
He’s waited now for so many years
But now you’ve opened the door, He will finally dry your tears
Baby you can cry, but you can finally dry your tears.
And if I ever catch you crying, I’ll cry too
And when I finally see you smiling, I’ll smile too
Baby you can cry but you don’t have to cry no more.
(You don’t have to cry no more
He will wipe every tear from your eye little girl oh yeah
You never ever have to cry
He’ll wipe the tears from your eyes.
I can finally see you smiling
I can finally see you smiling
There's times when the world just surrounds you
The weight of the world drags you down
And you sit there and look out your window
You see the pain, the confusion all around
But I recall a promise, He knows every sparrow
That falls to the ground
Yea but you’re so much more than that sparrow
Your life is in His hands
Don’t be afraid anymore
You go through the trials and temptations
And it's hard sometimes to count it all joy
No support from your friends and relations
No crutches, no crutches to employ.
Yeah, and just when you think that you're all alone
And just when you think you will fall
You remember the words of the promise
The promise is
Don't be afraid anymore
So please take no thought for tomorrow
Tomorrow's no factor today
You can worry and you can be anxious
But it's all in His hands anyway
So look up to your source of redemption
Jesus now stands at the door
When you look in His eyes, you won't have to be afraid anymore
(Don’t be afraid anymore, etc)
Show me Your ways, teach me Your paths,
Cause me to learn when to cry when to laugh
Show me Your heart, as You purify mine,
Give me Your faith, when I have no sign
Guide me in truth as I walk in Your love,
Lift up my eyes to the heavens above
My hope is in You, all the day long,
Take that which is weak, and show Yourself strong
Cover in blood, my failure and sin,
Cover in blood, the darkness within
My heart is deceived, my mind unrenewed,
I call on Your mercy, my hope is in You
Confide in me Lord, for I am Your slave,
Be gracious to me, when I am afraid
When troubles of life, have so multiplied,
You are my refuge, in You will I hide
We who put trust, In Your holy name,
Will not be abandoned, will never be shamed.
Who then is the one, who obeys Your command?
He's the one who is blessed, who inherits the land
To him You will make, Your covenant known,
The snare will not bind him, he won't stand alone
Show me Your ways, teach me Your paths,
When I feel like crying, cause me to laugh
Show me Your heart, as you purify mine,
Give me Your faith, when I have no sign
Lord show me Your ways.
In your time of pain, in the loneliness of your life
In the times when you've forgotten, how He cares
When you feel so all alone, just remember what He promised
He'll never leave you or forsake you, He's right there
When you call His name He reaches out to you to hold you,
To touch the hurting places of your heart
And he knows your pain, for He too has suffered with you
And each tear that you shed, He's shed with you
Speak his Name, Jesus
Speak His Name, Jesus.
In your greatest fear, He is always near
In your darkest hour He is there
In your hopelessness, He is there to bless you
With his arms reaching out, to strengthen you with His love,
With His Love
Now He says to you, you and He can walk together
And together you can make it, lift your head
Dry your tears of pain, change your clothes you're starting over
Life is beautiful when you know Jesus
And you call in His Name
Speak His Name, Jesus
Call on His Name, Jesus
The sweet sweet Rose of Sharon
The bright and Morning Star
The Lily of the Valley
How beautiful You are
The Prince of Peace, the Lamb of God
The Lamb who was slain
Greater love has no man
Emmanuel, God is with us, God is with us
God is with you, God is with you
Now, speak His Name
Standing in a field of grass, a sea of glass
My mind is slowly drifting
My soul entwines as hearts combine
The beauty of Your presence slowly drifting
I draw near to You my Lord as I approach Your presence
And we're drifting
Inside the secret place my heart is
Filled with wonder at Your love
The light of grace reflects Your face
As I am caught in rapture slowly drifting
I am caught away as evening folds into the night
And I am drifting
Carried on a sea of love on
Waves of Heaven from above
They capture me and I am blown away
Enraptured by the glory of Your countenance
I see Your love for me
I am caught away
Drifting on the glory of Your countenance
I see Your love for me
I am caught away
And my heart cries holy, holy,
Holy are You Lord
And my heart cries holy, holy,
Holy are You Lord
Let the rain pour down, let the sweet wind blowupon my heart.
Let the rain pour down, let the sweet wind blow upon my heart.
Let the rain pour down let it flow right down until it reaches home
Thought he cracks in the stony ground, unto the healing of my soul
Let the rain pour down, let the sweet wind blow upon my heart.
Let the rain pour down, let the sweet wind blow upon my heart.
Let the rain pour down, as the oil of gladness rushes over me
Lifting up my weary head, unto the cleansing of my soul
Let the rain pour down, let it flow right down into my soul
Let the rain pour down, let it flow right down into my soul
Like a waterfall, let it wash me clean inside it’s Holy flow
Let the rain pour down, let it take me deep into its fountain flow
Abba Father, You are holding me
Nothing stops me, You have made me free
All this will never end, All time is free
Is this a moment or eternity
It doesn’t matter since You’re here with me, let the rain pour down
Let the rain pour down, let the rain pour down
Hosanna, let the rain pour down)
When darkness surrounds you, you can’t see the light,
When you are seeking, but God is not speaking
You're lost in the night
Rather than crying it’s time for a song
To lift up your voice to make that choice
And you will never go wrong
No thought for tomorrow today’s a new day
Another day older the world's getting colder
In every way
You may be in London, New York or Japan
Wherever you’re going His love will be showing
He’ll give you his hand
Let’s sing in the sunshine let’s laugh at the moon
Smile in December and praise Him in June
I’ll shout to the heavens and if I get the chance
I’ll walk in the moonlight I’ll dance in the sun
I’ll shout my elation to everyone
I’ll stand in the darkness and do a little Moondance
Only one lifetime that soon will be passed
Only what’s done for the sake of the kingdom
Is going to last
Let’s do a little moon dance
Let’s do a little moon dance, come on, come on and dance
Let’s sing in the sunshine and laugh at the moon
Praise in December and worship in June
We’ll shout to the heavens and if we get the chance
We’ll walk in the Moonlight we’ll dance in the sun
We’ll shout our elation to everyone
We'll stand in the darkness
And do a little Moondance
Dancing in the dark to the light of the sun
No weapon formed against us shall prosper
Not even one
Walk in the light as He is in the light
It shines in the darkness
And the darkness could not overcome
May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace
As you trust in him
So that you may overflow with hope
In the power of the Holy Spirit
Blessed be the name of my rock, who trains my hands for war
Who causes me to walk in His overcoming power forevermore
Blessed be the name of my Rock,
Blessed be the name of my Shield
Blessed be the Lamb who will open the scroll
And loose the seven seals
Proclaim these words to every land, let my people prepare for war
Wake up the mighty men, let all the men become mighty men of war
Come be a people great and strong,
The like of which has never been
Pick up the sword, pick up the shield, and become mighty men
Let the weak say "I am strong," let the faint say “I am renewed"
Blow the trumpet in Zion, for I am coming soon
The day of the Lord is at hand, His camp is very great
Strong is the One who performs His Word,
And by His Word, all the Earth shall shake
My people shall become a strength, like swift steeds they will run
They will leap the mountain like a flame of fire,
Like a chariot in the sun!
The army of the Lord is great! The army of the Lord of Lords!
The praises of their mouths will be a shield
Their Words will be a sword!
All I want, all I need, is just to know
You care enough, to pray for me
There’s not a thing , that I can do
Can’t win your love, it’s not a prize, it’s mine for free
Though I know, you’re by my side
The dark is here, and it feels like I’ve got no place to hide
But I know that when, the mornings here
Joy will come, and all the dark, will disappear
Who could love you more than me, no one could it couldn’t be
Who could love me more than you, no one could I know that’s true
When all is calm, and my mind is free
I can’t conceive that actually, you’d give your life for me
When I can glimpse, the magnitude
There are no words that could express my gratitude
Who could love you more than me, no one could it couldn’t be
Who could love me more than you, no one could I know that’s true
Faithfully, so faithfully
Your mercy comes, and calms my heart, when I believe
She sits in the day room mid garlands of flowers,
Sits and she reads there for hours and hours
Sometimes she touches her old wedding ring,
She keeps by her heart on an old piece of string
She doesn’t have much to do in a day,
Her children are grown, her friends gone away
Her heart is still full though she is alone,
And something inside knows she’ll soon be at home
She thinks of the man who was the love of her life.
Her memories are clear of when she was a wife,
She thinks of the love that she shared with one man,
She has no regrets
The Bible that sits on the chair by the bed,
Has never been idle, it’s always been read
It’s been the guide, the course of her life,
Living and active, and sharp as a knife
Her constant companion as she’s run the race,
It’s seen her through every trial that she’s faced
Now that she’s come to the crossroad of life,
Her treasure’s in heaven above
She’s never seen London or traveled to France,
She wouldn’t have gone there if she’d had the chance
So happy to be where she knew she belonged,
She just danced in place
Many things in her life she did not understand,
But she always knew she was safe in his hands
Constantly fervently seeking His face
He would always hear
Once again she is a sweet blushing bride
Now that she’s passed to the other side
She’s entered the gates, she stands by His side
She’s seen his face
They came in great numbers, they all gathered round
Many who’s lives will be jewels in her crown
They stand by the casket and slowly look down
They know she’s finally home
Was that Jesus walking by the river?
Was that Jesus walking in the park?
I thought Jesus only walked in church yards
What was Jesus doing in the dark?
Was that Jesus face I saw this morning?
Amid the crowd of busy hustling feet
And then again as I came home this evening
Did I see Jesus walking down my street?
I don’t really want to know the answer
I don’t really want to face the change
Everywhere I look I’m seeing Jesus
Everywhere I look it’s all so strange
Was that Jesus standing on the corner?
With such love and compassion in His eyes
Was that Him or just an apparition?
Was that really Jesus in disguise?
Everywhere I look, I see the eyes of Jesus
Everywhere I look, I see Him beckoning to me
I turn my head away, my eyes just cannot stay
For in the eyes of Jesus, I see me
I don’t really want to know the answer
I don’t really want to face the change
Everywhere I look I’m seeing Jesus
Everywhere I look it’s all so strange
Was that Jesus listening as I prayed last night?
Was that Him who brushed my tears away?
Or was it only my imagination
Fading with the coming of the day?
No I saw Jesus smiling as I wakened
I saw Jesus beckoning to me
Come to me my frail and brokenhearted
Step into my arms and now be free
Be free
Please don’t be lonely in the winter,
When the sun no longer seems to shine
Please don’t be lonely when the darkness seems to shadow
The sun is shining all the time
Please don’t be lonely in the night time
When the sunlight seems to go away
It still is shining while the world is slowly turning
And always brings another day
Oh don’t be lonely
Oh, don’t let your heart be blue
Outside the shadow of an unbelieving heart
The sun is shining there for you
Please don’t be lonely in the winter,
When the sun no longer seems to shine
Please don’t be lonely when the darkness seems to shadow
The sun is shining all the time
There is a little curtain in the corner of my mind
I see it and I know it, and I know what lurks behind
If I get too close for comfort I know what I will see
Sticky little fingers that will take a hold of me
There’s a sneaky little curtain in the corner of my mind
If I open it to take a look I know what I will find
It’s tasty and delicious and it’s absolutely free
But it’s got some honkin, teeth and it’ll take a bite of me
And if I reach around the corner to try to take a peek
The beauty and desire of it will overpower me
And once again I’ll enter the forbidden Promised Land
And I will be a puppet in the devil’s laughing hand
I’ve been behind the curtain oh so many times before
I take the pleasure of the prize that’s right behind the door
But the pleasure is as fleeting as the taste of it is sweet
And on the other side resides the failure of defeat
If I can close the curtain in the corner of my mind
Then I can walk in freedom, I can leave the guilt behind
And walk in light and holiness all my latter days
If I could just renew my mind and change my sinful ways
There’s only one decision, the only way I will not fail
Is to trade that little curtain for a walk behind the veil
The carnal man must die, if I’m ever to be free
I’ve got to wrap him in that curtain, and hang him on the tree
It's so dark here in the dungeon
My heart pounds with fear
I fall with my face to the ground
I hear a soft whisper Jesus is here,
My soul fills with peace at the sound
My eyes adjust to a small beam of light,
From a crack which appears 'neath the door
I stand to my feet put my hand on the latch,
I have no earthly thought what's in store
The door opens up to a glorious light,
It's brilliance is piercing but sheer
It's heavy and soft and caresses my heart,
With an absolute absence of fear
I see his face in the light,
There's no darkness no night
And I know that i now understand
All of my doubts become dust in the wind,
As I feel the soft touch of His hand
His face His face, His face, His face alone
The answers to all of my questions are shown
His face, His face alone
Even death will become His minister,
When He finally calls me home
Morning time my love is awake, softly I enter the room
The fragrance of love , it floats in the air
Just like a rose when it blooms
My love is yours, your love is mine
My promise is yours for the take
How fair is your love , you have ravished my heart
I sleep but my heart is awake
How can you tell, how can you measure, the presence of love so divine
How can you speak the cost of the treasure, and then how can you say
This is mine
Open the door my sister my love, my head is covered with dew
As fair as the moon, as clear as the sun, such is my vision of you
Like apples of silver, like ribbons of gold
This is the worth of your trove
Cause me to come to your river, sit there and drink of your love
Flames of fire, waters of life, love is stronger than death
Set me now as a seal upon your heart, let me lay my heart on your breast
Morning time my love is awake, slowly I enter the room
The fragrance of love, it floats in the air
Just like a rose when it blooms
How can you tell, how can you measure, the presence of love so divine
How can you speak the cost of the treasure, and then how can you say
This is mine
Little girl lost
Little girl lost
Little girl walking by outside my window
Never had a father to hold her hand when the cold winds blow
Never had a man to wrap his arms around her
To feel the beat of her aching heart and to love her so
Never had a love strong enough to break the chains that bound her
Little girl lost
Little girl lost
Little girl walking by outside my window
My heart just breaks as I watch her walking down the avenue
The rain drops slowly washing her tears away
I watch her walking as she slowly disappears from view
There’s nothing I can say
Little girl lost
Little girl lost
Little girl walking by outside my window
All I ever wanted to do was hold you
So you can feel safe in your Father’s arms
Won’t you let My loving arms enfold you girl
I’ll never leave you I never will depart
Little girl is looking out my window
Little girl is looking out my window
Baby you don’t have to cry no more
Can’t you see that there is hope in store
Your broken heart is the open door
Love will walk in, and you won’t have to cry no more
Baby you can cry but you don’t have to cry no more.
Baby you can finally stop your tears
Love will finally conquer all your fears
He’s waited now for so many years
But now you’ve opened the door, He will finally dry your tears
Baby you can cry, but you can finally dry your tears.
And if I ever catch you crying, I’ll cry too
And when I finally see you smiling, I’ll smile too
Baby you can cry but you don’t have to cry no more.
(You don’t have to cry no more
He will wipe every tear from your eye little girl oh yeah
You never ever have to cry
He’ll wipe the tears from your eyes.
I can finally see you smiling
I can finally see you smiling
There's times when the world just surrounds you
The weight of the world drags you down
And you sit there and look out your window
You see the pain, the confusion all around
But I recall a promise, He knows every sparrow
That falls to the ground
Yea but you’re so much more than that sparrow
Your life is in His hands
Don’t be afraid anymore
You go through the trials and temptations
And it's hard sometimes to count it all joy
No support from your friends and relations
No crutches, no crutches to employ.
Yeah, and just when you think that you're all alone
And just when you think you will fall
You remember the words of the promise
The promise is
Don't be afraid anymore
So please take no thought for tomorrow
Tomorrow's no factor today
You can worry and you can be anxious
But it's all in His hands anyway
So look up to your source of redemption
Jesus now stands at the door
When you look in His eyes, you won't have to be afraid anymore
(Don’t be afraid anymore, etc)
Show me Your ways, teach me Your paths,
Cause me to learn when to cry when to laugh
Show me Your heart, as You purify mine,
Give me Your faith, when I have no sign
Guide me in truth as I walk in Your love,
Lift up my eyes to the heavens above
My hope is in You, all the day long,
Take that which is weak, and show Yourself strong
Cover in blood, my failure and sin,
Cover in blood, the darkness within
My heart is deceived, my mind unrenewed,
I call on Your mercy, my hope is in You
Confide in me Lord, for I am Your slave,
Be gracious to me, when I am afraid
When troubles of life, have so multiplied,
You are my refuge, in You will I hide
We who put trust, In Your holy name,
Will not be abandoned, will never be shamed.
Who then is the one, who obeys Your command?
He's the one who is blessed, who inherits the land
To him You will make, Your covenant known,
The snare will not bind him, he won't stand alone
Show me Your ways, teach me Your paths,
When I feel like crying, cause me to laugh
Show me Your heart, as you purify mine,
Give me Your faith, when I have no sign
Lord show me Your ways.
In your time of pain, in the loneliness of your life
In the times when you've forgotten, how He cares
When you feel so all alone, just remember what He promised
He'll never leave you or forsake you, He's right there
When you call His name He reaches out to you to hold you,
To touch the hurting places of your heart
And he knows your pain, for He too has suffered with you
And each tear that you shed, He's shed with you
Speak his Name, Jesus
Speak His Name, Jesus.
In your greatest fear, He is always near
In your darkest hour He is there
In your hopelessness, He is there to bless you
With his arms reaching out, to strengthen you with His love,
With His Love
Now He says to you, you and He can walk together
And together you can make it, lift your head
Dry your tears of pain, change your clothes you're starting over
Life is beautiful when you know Jesus
And you call in His Name
Speak His Name, Jesus
Call on His Name, Jesus
The sweet sweet Rose of Sharon
The bright and Morning Star
The Lily of the Valley
How beautiful You are
The Prince of Peace, the Lamb of God
The Lamb who was slain
Greater love has no man
Emmanuel, God is with us, God is with us
God is with you, God is with you
Now, speak His Name