CHUCK GIRARD- Singer, Songwriter, Recording Artist, and Worship Leader
A Pioneer of Contemporary Christian Music, Member and Co-Founder of the CCM group 'LOVE SONG.'
A Pioneer of Contemporary Christian Music, Member and Co-Founder of the CCM group 'LOVE SONG.'
Print Media
- In the words of one of the songs of a couple of British Jesus rockers, Malcolm and Alwyn, "THINGS ARE GETTING BETTER. "Everywhere I go there's music in your name, after oh so many years," they sing, and Larry Norman cries out, "Why should the Devil have all the good music?" Some would take exception to musicians Malcolm and Alwyn's statement, at least where music is concerned, and many would think that the Devil still does have all the good music; but I think that a lot of how your opinion is formed depends a great deal on what side of the fence you're on when it comes to Christian rock music.
I'm happy to say that I feel many of the walls which were built against pop or rock music being used in any form to represent Jesus are crumbling fast; But I think -there is still much misunderstanding of these farms of music, some of it justified. Just as some folks were leery of hippie Christians three or four years ago when Jesus started saving the souls of some of this drug culture, some are equally leery of this new form of Christian music.
Put yourself in the position of some of the older saints, having their peaceful churches invaded by the likes of these often unkempt, shabbily or carelessly dressed longhairs, claiming that Jesus had saved their souls from damnation and shouting unabashed praises to the Lord for providing so great a salvation. It would be enough to make you wonder if at least SOME of that enthusiasm wasn't at least partially being brought on by an LSD flashback or two. Not unwarranted suspicion, considering - the previous image of this counter-culture lot; free love, free drugs, if it feels good, do it
- "... Then explodes the JESUS MOVEMENT, with all that publicity, and ABC-TV coming down to film church meetings, and pretty soon it was realized that something pretty big was happening... "
- It's true that this music is different, and at times too loud, and occasionally you can't hear the lyrics. But is this the real issue? IS THE PLAYING OF CERTAIN NOTES IN CERTAIN COMBINATIONS SINFUL, WHILE OTHERS ARE NOT? Are some rhythms sinful, while others are not? Are some lyrics of God, others not? The real answer to these questions lies not in an analysis of musical styles or rhythms, but in a far deeper sphere of analysis, the source of inspiration for the music. Music inspired of God will bring joy, unity, peace, and gladness of heart to the listener, and leave him feeling uplifted, or convicted of his need for Jesus, if that's how the Lord is speaking through the music. The scripture says "Make a joyful noise unto the Lord", and some people use this as an excuse to just play loud and noisy electric music; but note that the word "joyful" precedes the word "noise", indicating joyful, victorious music, as opposed to noise for noise' sake.
I would like to say here that I do feel that some forms of supposedly Christian rock music do more harm than good, and is all but devoid of real spiritual content. But defining this is next to impossible on a musical basis, so I offer as a guideline the fact that GOD IS NOT THE AUTHOR OF CONFUSION. If music ministers confusion or unrest in the spirit, as some rock music can do, its spiritual effect is negligible, if not non-existent.
However, not all of this music is intended strictly for the church, and in some evangelistic situations some of the harder rock music can have its place as an evangelistic tool. But the leading of the Holy Spirit is mandatory in using this music and to remain sure that it is being used as a tool of the Lord and not to exalt the flesh. I don't think that a group can play the same concert for Christians all the time that it would play for a 100% strictly evangelistic outreach to an audience of non-Christians. HEREIN IS THE KEY; USING THE PROPER TOOL AT THE PROPER TIME, using sensitivity to the Holy Spirit to select the songs for a concert according to the needs of the people to be met.
Then explodes the JESUS MOVEMENT, with all that publicity, and ABC-TV coming down to film church meetings, and pretty soon it was realized that something pretty big was happening. Of course, a great part of this growing public interest in the new revival was due to this new sound in church music; electric guitars, drums, etc., and pretty soon a goodly portion of the church populace was getting pretty interested in getting one of these Jesus rock groups to play at THEIR church, so they too could be a part of this growing phenomena. Oh, there were occasional repercussions, but after all, many young people were coming to profess Jesus Christ as their Savior, and not a few of these longhaired musicians were becoming pretty fair evangelists in their own right. |
- Of course, there's always those who would have nothing to do with this music, believing it to be Devil-inspired, and doing no good whatsoever for the Christian body. And, on the other hand, there are those who would use any music with a beat to entice young people into a church service. But somewhere in between these two extremes, is where the truth about Jesus rock music really lies.
- Two years ago, I think Larry Norman would have been completely misunderstood for the content of his latest album, "ONLY VISITING THIS PLANET," but I think now that much of the Christian body can see the impact this album can have on unsaved young people who are into heavy rock music. I don't think the album is intended to be edifying to the Christian body to any great degree, but I think we can see ITS PLACE IN GOD'S PLAN TO REACH ALL MEN WITH THE GOSPEL IN THE END TIMES, UNQUESTIONABLY.
I think that the time has come to realize the complexity of our modern world, and the necessity to use new forms of communication to reach people, as long as we are not grieving the Holy Spirit by using unscriptural means.
I would like to cover at another time some of the problems which confront a responsible young Christian musician of our times, so that you may gain a deeper insight into what God is doing with this contemporary form of evangelism; but in the meantime, I'd like to encourage all of us to take a good look at what's happening to the Church today, not just in music, but in all ways. God is breaking us out of many of our traditional patterns of thinking, and showing us not really a new way of doing things, but reminding us of what He's always expected of any good army fighting for a cause - to use all of the ability we have in an orderly fashion to win the battle. Time is running out and so much of the world needs to hear that Jesus LOVES them, there is no time to spare.
- Jesus IS coming. Are YOU ready?