Digital Photo Restoration can be for old photographs or slides. There are quite a few big photo restoration places out there that promise you the moon for ridiculously low prices. I will be right up front and tell you that I may not be able to compete with all of them as far prices are concerned, but I can assure you the quality of my work is top-notch. It is also a great way for you to help me support my ministry and family. Consider the cost a donation to my ministry. I promise fair and reasonable prices for high quality work. Reach out to me if you would like to pursue a dialogue about digital photo restoration.
In His Service,
In His Service,
Below are some examples of my work in Digital Photo Restoration. The improvement can be pretty profound without creating that 'airbrushed' look that was the hallmark of photo restoration in years past. I guess you can't escape that completely if the original is in really bad shape, but the technology is there as is my expertise.
The second is more of a technical/ practical skill that seems completely unrelated to my ministry- DIGITAL PHOTO RESTORATION. Believe it or not, I am a bit of a nerd when it comes to computer technology. I have taught myself more than a few skills with computers, and one of these I enjoy the most is bringing of old photographs back to life.
The third is another technical/ practical skill. DIGITAL SOUND TRANSFER. Sound transfer from analog-to-digital, noise reduction, etc. The right touch can clean up a treasured old recording, restore dynamic range, and reduce noise, making it a pleasure to listen to again. Reach out to me if you would like to pursue a dialogue about digital sound transfer of our old records/ tapes.
The third is another technical/ practical skill. DIGITAL SOUND TRANSFER. Sound transfer from analog-to-digital, noise reduction, etc. The right touch can clean up a treasured old recording, restore dynamic range, and reduce noise, making it a pleasure to listen to again. Reach out to me if you would like to pursue a dialogue about digital sound transfer of our old records/ tapes.